4-pers. tentInterior 4-pers. tentKitchen 4-pers. tentBatheroom 4-pers. tentBeds 4-pers.tentBunk bed 4-pers. tent5-pers. tentFurniture 5-pers. tentKitchen 5-pers. tentDouble bed 5-pers. tentBeds 5-pers. tentEntrance campingCampingSwimming pool campingTennis court campingplayground campingSanitary buildingBarTerrace campingVillage in the Beira AltaChurch in ViseuTiled wall in ViseuChapel in LapaAveiroBeach near AveiroFishermen near AveiroBurial moundOverwhelming natureCastle ruins in PenedonoRoman excavation in ConimbrigaView in the Beira AltaWaterfall in the Beira AltaEcopista do DãoKarting in Vila Nova de PaivaRio LamegoCanyoningRio PaivaMarket in Vila Nova de PaivaFolklore in CasfreiresCow farmerSerra da EstrelaDouro valleyViseuPortoLamego